As 'fancy' ones it is in the forefront of most of our minds to be respectful of other's space, time, and their overall being. My plaguing question is as follows; "Is there a fancy way to be persistent so as to pursue what you want and need without being too pushy?"
Lately, I personally have had many experiences come my way in which I feel like I have to fight or be as persistent as can be to get a likely outcome that I would deem to be ideal. Sometimes, though, at the end of the day, I am left with a number of happy outcomes but also feeling quite depleted and just downright exhausted. This is a very general topic that applies to a number of different instances, and which I am sure everyone has experienced at one time or another. Maybe some of us are not as dominant and characteristically persistent as others so we think of what it would be like if we were persistent and did come off as being pushy.
Here's an example for you mummies. So you live in Chicago and schools, great schools, are pretty competitive to get in to. You would LOVE for little Johnny to get into this great new magnet school in the area with a super awesome staff and a great educational program so as to set off J on the right path. Well there are a number of spots and you apply and maybe are put on a waiting list. So now what? Should you send cookies to the admissions advisor a few times? Maybe. Should you call and express how wonderful you think the school is and why Johnny should get in? Maybe, but they probably already know they are wonderful and thats why your putting yourself through this. Any of the above questions are probably thoughts that go through one's mind....and as you contemplate your actions and the admissions lady's probable responses or subsequent actions you are left wondering which way to move your chess piece so as to come off in the best light with the best possible outcome for Johnny.
Do great things really come to those who wait or are those who are waiting missing out on great things being taken by those who are persistent and impatient? If you have something and you love it and set it free does it really come back if its meant to be or are you not being persistent enough in making sure it is staying around if you love it so much?
Certainly such a philosophical topic not meant to be answered in a concise response or thought over quickly in between the kids tapering naps. Really think about how your actions come off in all facets of life. Are you persistent to the point of getting everything you want but being left feeling exhausted from trying so hard? or are you sitting in the wings being a patient angel and waiting for great things to come your way and just snatch them up as they float past?